Monday, February 7, 2011

Stem Cell Therapy for Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy is a disorder of the brain caused by any insult during pari-natal period. It may be caused by lack of oxygen or trauma during birth or infection jaundice, genetic disorders before or after birth.
The cell injury also leads to an inflammatory immune response that increases the release of chemicals leading to cell damage and swelling. The cell breaks up into smaller fragments so that phagocytes can then ingest the remains. Lack of cerebral blood flow and oxygen can result into series of ailments.
This is the flow of events that can result from the lack of cerebral blood flow and oxygen.
The causes of this ischemia/hpoxia scenario can include traumatic brain injury and blood vessel break or blockage, chemical toxicity, nutritional deficiencies, atherosclerosis, infection, allergies, and hypoglycemia (a deficit of glucose has similar effects on neurons as oxygen deficit), as well as emotional stress. All of these factors promote an excess of glutamate and glutamate is toxic to neural stem cells.
Infants with cerebral palsy are usually slow to reach developmental milestones such as rolling over, sitting, crawling and walking.
Stem cell therapy is a drug-free alternative focused on affecting physical changes in the brain that can improve a child's quality of life. Almost 70% of the cerebral palsy patients treated with stem cells worlwide show improvement. Most cerebral palsy patients are treated by lumbar puncture injecting the stem cells into the cerebrospinal fluid which transports them up the spinal canal and into the brain. Lumbar puncture is an outpatient procedure that requires patients to stay in Hospital for one day.


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